Hi Cyndy,
all these cities are on the pass, but:
if you have a fixed itinerary yet (and it looks like) you should consider not to buy a pass (but there are a few things to consider).
Mainly: Do you’d like to go with the cheapest solutions or with the most luxurious? Do you travel alone or wirh a large group? Do you’d like to go with the fastest trains on the most direct route?
I’ll do the math for you: For one person it’s possible to buy a ticket from Paris (Gare de Lyon) to Venice (Stazione Santa Lucis) for 59,90 € (standard class) with Trenitalia. Italian trains do often have not just two classes of travel but three or four (in the highest class of travel you’ll have just 8 seats per carriage, a full menu with drinks and a host). The other end of the price range would be 193,90 € for the fastest train in the morning from Paris.
For Venice to Rome you have many connections to choose from (normally there’s a direct train every hour; but direct trains are in the system at the moment just until 9/17/22, so you’d have to wait until these trains are added (don’t take the connections shown, there will be much better ones). There are two competitors on that route to choose from, too. Expect the price range to be 35,90 € (standard class) to 149,90 € (best of the four classes) for high speed trains (less for slower connections).
Same for Rome to Florence - will cost even less by high speed train (expext the price range to be 23,90 € to 81,90 €) and back to Paris. But bookings for all this haven’t opened yet.
Regarding your questions witn the pass:
It’s possible to do the whole trip with a pass. But you’ll have less trains to choose from and you’ll have to pay expensive supplements for travel between France and Italy and a supplement of 10 € for every train inside Italy. But you have flexibility. At least, you’ll have to see what’s best for you.
Expect the prices given to rise when not booked early. You may check yourself by using trenitalia.com (italian state railways, also going to Paris, but also for trips inside Italy) or italotreno.it (private company, for journeys inside Itraly).
Kind regards, Hektor.