Hi everyone,
I have some quick questions concerning the OBB Nightjet linking Brussels to Vienna.
I’m a scout groupe leader and we’re going on a camp next summer (July 2023). We were planning on taking an Interrail pass for the whole groupe because we want to travel all by train. (let me know if any of you already took that train)
Our first train would be the Brussels to Vienna nightjet and I can’t find some usefulll information.
- First of all, how much does this journey coust with an interrail pass ? I found some people saying it costs only about 30€ and some saying they could’nt get any discount with their pass.
- Secondly, I d’ont understand the concept of “private compartment”. It seems like its cheaper to take two private compartments of 3 people than taking a 6bed compartment which seems odd.
Hope anyone can help us for our camp. Have a good day y’all,