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Durchreise durch das Heimatland

  • February 2, 2023
  • 6 replies

Johanna Fortak


Ich habe mich gefragt, wenn ich noch keins meiner Ein- oder Ausreisetage genutzt habe zählt dann eine durchfahrt durch mein Heimatland als Einreise und Ausreise wenn ich dies an einem Tag mache? Oder wird da nur eins von von diesen verwendet und ich kann am Ende des Tickets nochmal Einreisen? 


Hinzu käme dass die Einreise ein Nachtzug wäre und die Ausreise dann über den Tag geht. 

Best answer by Yorkie

mcadv wrote:

Somewhere in the rules I just saw a few days ago ti was stated that such a trip uses BOTH AUS und EINreise- and as DE you most likely know they are Prinzipienreiter that takes the rules too seriously.

Plan till after 1/5 and use that Deutschlandticket for much cheaper-but not in ICE

I think that was with the paper pass or the early days of the mobile app.

The app now only works on travel days and does not assess whether you cross the border in that travel day twice, once or not at all, simply that you travelled for some or all of a day in your Country of Residence. That adds 1 to the counter for COR days. Once it has detected 2 days use in your COR it will block any further use in your COR.

Although I have never crossed in and out in the same travel day I have used the same pass for 2 inward journeys with no problem, and yes the counter said 2/2.

I am sure if pass holders were losing both days for crossing their COR in and out in the same travel day  we would have heard more on the Community.

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6 replies

Keeps calm and carries on
  • 1109 replies
  • February 2, 2023

Hallo Johanna, eine konkret benannte Verbindung wäre natürlich hilfreich gewesen, aber generell ist es als Grundregel so, dass du an zwei Fahrttagen in deinem Heimatland fahren kannst.

Generell geht dein Plan also.

Jetzt könnte man die Bestimmungen als Schaffner ganz kleinlich lesen (was in Einzelfällen gerade in Deutschland vorkommt). Das Heimfahren ist dabei eh nie das Problem (wobei auch hier der Nachtzug interessant wäre und ob du danach noch weiterfahren willst).

Beim Durchfahren würdest du den Bahnhof an der Grenze als Ausgangsbahnhof deklarieren können. Kämst du zum Beispiel in Passau über die Grenze, wäre das dein deutscher Ausgangsbahnhof, du fährst von dort zur Grenze und das wäre auch bei allerstrengster Auslegung der Regeln kein Problem. 

Wenn du ganz sichergehen willst, schreib doch deine konkreten Verbindungen. Aber tendentiell geht das und die App und die meisten Schaffner schauen eh nur darauf, ob du einen Fahrttag im Inland aktiv hast. 

  • Full steam ahead
  • 1372 replies
  • February 2, 2023

The basics ;

You are entitled to up to  2 of your travel days when you can travel in your own country as freely as if you were in any other participating country. If you are using a mobile pass, any journey or journeys boarded within a travel day that travel within your Country of Residence will trigger the counter, irrespective of any border crossings in any direction, and even if you do not disembark in your COR.

Once you have travelled in 2 days in your COR, you cannot travel on any more trains in your COR using your pass.

So yes, if you travel across your COR and out again on trains boarded in the same travel day (0000 to 2359) that only counts as one of your 2 COR days.

  • Full steam ahead
  • 3893 replies
  • February 3, 2023

Somewhere in the rules I just saw a few days ago ti was stated that such a trip uses BOTH AUS und EINreise- and as DE you most likely know they are Prinzipienreiter that takes the rules too seriously.

Plan till after 1/5 and use that Deutschlandticket for much cheaper-but not in ICE

  • Railmaster
  • 10594 replies
  • February 3, 2023
mcadv wrote:

Somewhere in the rules I just saw a few days ago ti was stated that such a trip uses BOTH AUS und EINreise-

The app sees that differently...


  • Full steam ahead
  • 1372 replies
  • Answer
  • February 3, 2023
mcadv wrote:

Somewhere in the rules I just saw a few days ago ti was stated that such a trip uses BOTH AUS und EINreise- and as DE you most likely know they are Prinzipienreiter that takes the rules too seriously.

Plan till after 1/5 and use that Deutschlandticket for much cheaper-but not in ICE

I think that was with the paper pass or the early days of the mobile app.

The app now only works on travel days and does not assess whether you cross the border in that travel day twice, once or not at all, simply that you travelled for some or all of a day in your Country of Residence. That adds 1 to the counter for COR days. Once it has detected 2 days use in your COR it will block any further use in your COR.

Although I have never crossed in and out in the same travel day I have used the same pass for 2 inward journeys with no problem, and yes the counter said 2/2.

I am sure if pass holders were losing both days for crossing their COR in and out in the same travel day  we would have heard more on the Community.

  • Railly clever
  • 5976 replies
  • February 3, 2023
mcadv wrote:

Somewhere in the rules I just saw a few days ago ti was stated that such a trip uses BOTH AUS und EINreise-

I have also read this on the interrail website, but in reality it doesn’t work in this way.
