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seat reservation (trenitalia/ eurostar) with a physical interrail pass

Elliott Duroux Croissant
Keeps calm and carries on

Hey trying to book Seat reservations through italy and france so that my trip doesnt take 24 hours, but when giving the passwordet information, my physical pass cover number doesnt work. Help!!!

Best answer by thibcabe

Venice - Milan (most trains go to Centrale, some to PG) : 13€ on ÖBB (see above)

Milan - Ventimiglia : 3€ ÖBB

Ventimiglia - Nice : TER regional train, seat reservation not possible

Nice - Marseille : reservation-free TER or TGV for 10€ (limited fare) or 20€. Both take the same time.

Marseille - Montpellier : reservation-free TER or slightly faster Intercités for 10-20€

Within France use this link for TGVs and Intercités :

However you can easily avoid those costs by taking the TERs. You've also got more flexibility : simply add the train to the diary before you board [edited].

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  • Full steam ahead
  • 4882 replies
  • July 13, 2023

That's weird, did you use and added the pass correctly ? You need to choose between adding a mobile or a paper one. If that doesn't work, contact customer support ->

Otherwise there are often better places to book than (2€ fee per person per train).

For trains within Italy use (no booking fee and no number needed) : add Interrail as a discount and select one-way tickets.

For the Eurostar this link (4€ per order) :

For TGVs within France (4€ too) :

You could also call SNCF (no fee).

If you have other questions, mention travel date and route.

Elliott Duroux Croissant
Keeps calm and carries on

Hi, i just used the railplanner app, and went to book a ticket by pressing the “how and when to book” text, next to a particular train schedule. From there i just go with one of the options that ARENT eurrail. (Ive experienced problems with it before such as is cant find destinations)

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4882 replies
  • July 13, 2023

You can't book seats on Rail Planner. Indeed it redirects you to other websites.

Which trains would you like to take specifically ?

Please note that there is a quota for passholders on Eurostar trains and it can sell out well in advance (especially out of London).

There is currently a bug on for the Milan/Barcelona - Paris TGVs. You can't book any train even if they're not sold out... solution : wait a few days or call SNCF.

Elliott Duroux Croissant
Keeps calm and carries on

So if i shouldnt book from the links on the railplanner app, What websites would be better to book? (My trip is from venice SL->milan P.G, milan Central->ventimiglia, ventimiglia->Nice ville, Nice ville→ Marseille st Charles, Marseille st Charles→ Montpellier st roch.)

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4882 replies
  • Answer
  • July 13, 2023

Venice - Milan (most trains go to Centrale, some to PG) : 13€ on ÖBB (see above)

Milan - Ventimiglia : 3€ ÖBB

Ventimiglia - Nice : TER regional train, seat reservation not possible

Nice - Marseille : reservation-free TER or TGV for 10€ (limited fare) or 20€. Both take the same time.

Marseille - Montpellier : reservation-free TER or slightly faster Intercités for 10-20€

Within France use this link for TGVs and Intercités :

However you can easily avoid those costs by taking the TERs. You've also got more flexibility : simply add the train to the diary before you board [edited].

Elliott Duroux Croissant
Keeps calm and carries on

What do you mean by “reservation free TVR”? 

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4882 replies
  • July 13, 2023

Those are regional trains (Train Express Régional). Hop on and sit wherever you want. Seat reservations are not possible for anyone. To find space go to the train's ends as people are lazy and mostly board in the middle.


On top of that you sometimes need to add mandatory reservations (fast Frecciarossa between Venice and Milan or the IC train to Ventimiglia for example). This varies per country.

Elliott Duroux Croissant
Keeps calm and carries on

Adding a qr code to my app isnt possible with a paper interrail global ticket though. Or at least thats my experience with the app (Rail Planner i presume)

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4882 replies
  • July 13, 2023

Ah yes my bad I forgot that you had a paper pass…

Then you log into the diary each train you'd like to take, whether they require seat reservations or not. This is enough for the TER regional trains.

In some cases you need to add a mandatory seat reservation : you can almost always make it online. On the train you then show your pass + the seat reservation on your phone (PDF).

Elliott Duroux Croissant
Keeps calm and carries on

Ive trues to go onto the oebb website to reserve a Seat from venice to Milan, but it States that a reservation isnt possible. This means that the train already is fully booked?

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4882 replies
  • July 13, 2023

Unlikely that it is sold out. When would you like to travel ?

And did you follow the correct process ? Adding the discount and selecting one-way tickets afterwards


Elliott Duroux Croissant
Keeps calm and carries on

Im travelling monday at 6 am hopefully. I didnt a discount, but i selected a one Way Seat ticket 

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4882 replies
  • July 13, 2023
thibcabe wrote:

For trains within Italy use (no booking fee and no number needed) : add Interrail as a discount and select one-way tickets.

Then you need to follow what I've written. It is a bit counterintuitive but it's the way it works.

Elliott Duroux Croissant
Keeps calm and carries on

Still shows the train ride as unreservable? I dont know what this could come from, as the Rail Planner app says its a train that requires a seat reservation. So maybe it just is sold out, which does Seem unlikely for the trip. ( also the following trains going the same route Arent reservable)

by the Way im sorring these things out on mobile. I dont have access to any computers…

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4882 replies
  • July 13, 2023

I don't know what you're doing wrong…

All trains I can find are available right now on ÖBB (from my mobile)

Add Interrail/Eurail as a discount, click confirm and then select one-way tickets. You should see a price tag of 13€ for Frecciarossa or 3€ for IC.

If you're trying to book multiple trains at once, try separately.

Elliott Duroux Croissant
Keeps calm and carries on

Im looking at the 6:18 train from venezia Santa Lucia to milano GP with the right things selected ( interrail/eurail global and one Way ticket) and it tells me that the fare is unavailable. 


  • Full steam ahead
  • 1812 replies
  • July 13, 2023

Using those details I get availability on those services.

Are you sure you are selecting one way tickets instead of seat reservation only as that is the only way I can replicate your non available result?

Elliott Duroux Croissant
Keeps calm and carries on

No i do that too. I presume the best Way to go from here is to Call costumer service for oebb. See if that Can help

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4882 replies
  • July 13, 2023

Try private navigation and restarting your phone maybe. Could you share a screenshot of what's happening too ?

Elliott Duroux Croissant
Keeps calm and carries on

Private navigation means…?

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4882 replies
  • July 14, 2023

On your browser, incognito mode or private navigation (same thing).

  • Railmaster
  • 10502 replies
  • July 14, 2023

You can also try the ÖBB Tickets app. There you need to do the same: add the Interrail/Eurail discount and choose "One-way tickets”. Both the website and the app are working for me.
