I would like to take this connection up to Warszawa from Sofia.
Starting from Sofia for Craiova - Arad (IR 349) there is RQ for seat reservation.
On IR page it shows that it’s not available cos only paper option from station is possible. But for this connection I did not found on cfrcalatori.ro option only for seat reservation > they requesting me to pay whole ticket. But I have a ticket with IR pass. On their page there is a lot of seat available - but not via interrail page.
The info presented is:
“No longer available
This seat reservation is only available as paper ticket and can't be
delivered to you in time. Try booking in person at the station.”
OK, so hopefully when I arrive at the staion it will still be possible to get a place.
The next connection shown in IR app is:
Arad - Warszawa splitted for 2 connections Arad - Wien > Wien - Warszawa
Arad - Wien Hbf
Starting as train named (NT 346) here starting in RO again I have no other option on the web page (international trains connections) than full price + reservation.
So basically it’s the same as for previous option (Craiova - Arad).

And this continues with WIEN HBF (Austria) (EC 102) > WARSZAWA ZACHODNIA (Poland).
Except this time the OBB web page find the connection but won’t load next page when clicked on “seats reservation only” (I’m stuck here for several days).

I tried all this in advance, few days, so no last minute RQ - but no success.
So because I’m not able to do this via internet/online (maybe it’s my mistake somewhere(?)) - will it be doable on station?
What do you think?