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Spain reservation nuisances (fees, quota and more)

I am scratching my head to figure out the reservation system of RENFE trains, after some research I found out that this is an extremely complicated topic. Some questions that I’m not sure of:


1. Obligatory Reservation

As far as I understand, almost all trains in Spain require a reservation. The only exceptions are (a) suburb commuter service - aka Cercanias (or Rodalies in Catalunya) and (b) some regional trains - aka Media Distancia

(a) Regarding Cercanias trains : While I know reservation is not needed (and not possible), I cannot find the connection on railplanner app. For example, I am looking at the C1 service from Alicante to Murcia. Can anyone confirm this is indeed reservation-free ?

(b) Regarding Media Distancia trains : These trains usally reqire seat reservations. Between touristy cities the only free connections I found are Barcelona - Valencia, Valencia - Alicante, Barcelona - Zaragoza - Marid. No luck finding one in Andalucia. I have the impression that the reservation-free MD trains are very scarce and slow. Does anyone have a comprehensive list of them ? 


2. Reservation Fees.

The reservation fee listed on interrail website doesn’t match with the one shown in the railplanner app. For example, a Spanish EuroMed train should cost 6.5 EUR according to [1], however the railplanner app says it is 12 EUR [2]. Which one should I believe ?


[2] See the photo below.


3. Quota

Does anyone know if there is a quota for reserving Renfe trains ? I know french SNCF has a quota for interrail tickets, so even there are ticket available on SNCF website it’s still possible that you cannot reserve a seat reservation. Is this the case for Renfe trains as well? 


I know that’s a lot of questions. Thanks for whoever have read this long text wall <3

Best answer by Al_G

You are correct, Spanish reservations are one of the biggest headaches for passholders. It is certainly, along with SNCF and their subsidiaries the most openly obstructive country to foreign passholders.

Some of the commuter services do not share their timetables with the European systems and will not show up consistently or at all on the planner, adding them manually can often be the only option.


MD - There are some Cercanias/Rodalies that are marked as MD, these do not require reservations, those on longer routes generally do, I don’t believe there is a complete list anywhere but the planner is usually correct about the need for reservations.


If the Interrail booking platform will book it for you then that price is correct, take it. It has only recently been able to book any Spanish trains and is still not 100% but is the only online portal available for passholders. Outside of that, and for trains it cannot book (such as the 2 daily RENFE Barcelona to/from France) the only option is booking at RENFE ticket offices.

About the only positive is that there are no quotas for passholders in Spain, it is just the relative difficulty in obtaining the reservations and the prevalence of them even on trains that anywhere else would be regional reservation free that cause problems.

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14 replies

  • Full steam ahead
  • 1814 replies
  • Answer
  • December 4, 2023

You are correct, Spanish reservations are one of the biggest headaches for passholders. It is certainly, along with SNCF and their subsidiaries the most openly obstructive country to foreign passholders.

Some of the commuter services do not share their timetables with the European systems and will not show up consistently or at all on the planner, adding them manually can often be the only option.


MD - There are some Cercanias/Rodalies that are marked as MD, these do not require reservations, those on longer routes generally do, I don’t believe there is a complete list anywhere but the planner is usually correct about the need for reservations.


If the Interrail booking platform will book it for you then that price is correct, take it. It has only recently been able to book any Spanish trains and is still not 100% but is the only online portal available for passholders. Outside of that, and for trains it cannot book (such as the 2 daily RENFE Barcelona to/from France) the only option is booking at RENFE ticket offices.

About the only positive is that there are no quotas for passholders in Spain, it is just the relative difficulty in obtaining the reservations and the prevalence of them even on trains that anywhere else would be regional reservation free that cause problems.

  • Railmaster
  • 10523 replies
  • December 4, 2023
Al_G wrote:

MD - There are some Cercanias/Rodalies that are marked as MD, these do not require reservations, those on longer routes generally do, I don’t believe there is a complete list anywhere but the planner is usually correct about the need for reservations.

The DB planner is usually correct about mandatory reservations in Spain. The rail planner app is less reliable in that respect. For example, it claims that MD trains in Catalonia have mandatory reservations, which is not correct, e.g. Portbou-Barcelona.

Some regional and regional express trains are also without mandatory reservations.

Al_G wrote:

If the Interrail booking platform will book it for you then that price is correct, take it. It has only recently been able to book any Spanish trains and is still not 100% but is the only online portal available for passholders. Outside of that, and for trains it cannot book (such as the 2 daily RENFE Barcelona to/from France) the only option is booking at RENFE ticket offices.

There are a few more options to book Spanish trains, see:


  • Full steam ahead
  • 50 replies
  • December 5, 2023

With regard to Spanish trains, I have found that it is usually fine just to get to the station with time to line up at the ticket counter and get the reservation on the day.  Or take more time and do all your reservations in one hit if you know when you are travelling.  The only time I’ve had a problem is at Easter when the trains literally fill up completely.   FEVE doesn’t need reservations at all.  Maybe one day RENFE will have a usuable website!

And with timetables: I bought the European Rail Timetable for each trip: (global pass last year and this year)  and although it felt like an expensive extra, given there is DE and trainline etc.  It has been so useful - it gives accurate timetables for each country and heaps of extra information, with holidays noted and also when  certain trains won’t be running. For example, I had planned to go on the Yellow train from Spain to France last year but saw that it wasn’t running at all when I’d hoped to go, and so I had time to re-plan my journey.  It also gives all the ferry timetables for everywhere in Europe.  And it is fun to browse.


A question about RENFE - I have a first class pass, so which class can I use in Spain? there seem to be three classes.  Thanks

  • Railmaster
  • 10523 replies
  • December 5, 2023
juliadbau wrote:

A question about RENFE - I have a first class pass, so which class can I use in Spain? there seem to be three classes.  Thanks

AFAIK you can then book anything you like.

Seat 61 explains RENFE classes:

  • Full steam ahead
  • 50 replies
  • December 5, 2023

Thanks rvdborgt! 

  • Right on track
  • 5 replies
  • December 10, 2023

I too am finding the whole system in Spain confusing.  Briefly, I’ve purchased a 22 day global pass and intend to use it in April.  I’m taking a flight to Seville and travelling down to Lebrija (50 minutes south of Seville) for a few days.  I’ll be getting there using the Seville Cadiz line and paying for it outwith my Interrail pass. The cost is 4.55 € (net of Tarjeta Dorada discount).

It’s only now that I’ve started to plan the pass trip that I’m starting to find anomalies similar to those that @ztzthu has come across.   Starting with a Journey back to Seville that I’m informed require a reservation at a cost of ‘from 6 €’.  Can this be correct?  I’m intending to stay outside of main cities and ‘commute’ in to see them or travel around the surrounding areas.

Trains that exist on Renfe aren’t appearing on the App or DB planner, I could of course entrust things to using ‘manually added’ trips.  However, I’m not certain that this can be trusted. 

Of course it may be that trying to plan these ‘dummy’ journeys using dates so close to Christmas is not a good idea, but I’m starting to lose a bit of confidence, I’m seriously considering returning the pass and booking journeys directly with the Spanish/French rail companies which may prove more expensive but a lot less stressful.

Can anybody reassure me?


  • Railmaster
  • 10523 replies
  • December 10, 2023
paulm wrote:

It’s only now that I’ve started to plan the pass trip that I’m starting to find anomalies similar to those that @ztzthu has come across.   Starting with a Journey back to Seville that I’m informed require a reservation at a cost of ‘from 6 €’.  Can this be correct?

Depends on the train. For an exact answer, please mention route, date and departure time. Reservation fees in the app are not always correct and often include a €2 booking fee that is only applicable if you book through Interrail/Eurail.

paulm wrote:

Trains that exist on Renfe aren’t appearing on the App or DB planner, I could of course entrust things to using ‘manually added’ trips.  However, I’m not certain that this can be trusted.

Manually added journeys are just as valid. But there's no need to add any journeys a long time in advance. Often, the rail planner app will have been updated on your travel date.

paulm wrote:

Of course it may be that trying to plan these ‘dummy’ journeys using dates so close to Christmas is not a good idea, but I’m starting to lose a bit of confidence, I’m seriously considering returning the pass and booking journeys directly with the Spanish/French rail companies which may prove more expensive but a lot less stressful.

The most reliable source for Spanish timetables are (awful website though) and The latter seems to have a direct connection to Renfe but their website is not so awful, although they also include other trains and buses where passes are not valid. I any case, never use the rail planner app to plan. It's often the least reliable source available.

  • Right on track
  • 5 replies
  • December 11, 2023

thanks @rvdborgt for your prompt response.  Below are some screenshots showing a journey from Lebrija to Sevilla-Santa Justa. Firstly RENFE - I haven’t confused matters further by applying the Tarjeta Dorada discount which reduces the fare to 4.55 €.  I actually progressed furthe through the RENFE booking procedure to the point of entering my credit card details with no admin charges/reservation fees being added.




07.39 chosen from Lebrija to Sevilla-Santa Justa which resulted in this cost


The same search on Interrail gives me these results


Clicking on the ‘More information’ link produces this:

The equivalent of this journey will actually be my ‘activate pass’ journey in April.  I appreciate that I can manually add the journey to my trip.  I further appreciate that not adding my pass to my profile may be further muddying the waters - I’d much rather wait until I’m more familiar with the workings of Interrail before I do that.

thanks in anticipation for your help

  • Railmaster
  • 10523 replies
  • December 11, 2023

Pass reservations for MD are often €4 (except for Catalonia, where no reservation is needed). They can't be made online. The Interrail website can currently only book a few Renfe train types and MD isn't one of them.

  • Right on track
  • 5 replies
  • December 11, 2023

Many thanks.  Is there a list of these “few Renfe train types” on the Interrail website please? - and, probably more useful a list of unsupported types.  I appreciate that this problem isn’t of Interrails making.  However, given that my intention is to move between ‘backwaters’ close to Cities and stay there - it really could be a showstopper.

  • Railmaster
  • 10523 replies
  • December 11, 2023
paulm wrote:

Is there a list of these “few Renfe train types” on the Interrail website please? - and, probably more useful a list of unsupported types.  I appreciate that this problem isn’t of Interrails making.  However, given that my intention is to move between ‘backwaters’ close to Cities and stay there - it really could be a showstopper.

Please see:

AFAIK currently only pass reservations for AVE, Alvia and Euromed trains can be booked online through Interrail.

  • Right on track
  • 5 replies
  • December 11, 2023

thank you very much @rvdborgt you’ve helped me see through this mist a little and will help me make my final decision(s).  I know you don’t want to be PM’d but I have no objection.

  • Full steam ahead
  • 1372 replies
  • December 11, 2023

If you are planning on staying outside main cities and commuting in then check whether there is a Cercanias service. These are run by Renfe so if you have a continuous pass they are included and not reservable. Otherwise there is a relatively small charge. Some of them operate a zonal system rather than a point to point pricing. (Barcelona scheme is called Rodalies).

  • Right on track
  • 5 replies
  • December 12, 2023

thanks @Yorkie I am aware of these renfe ‘commuter’ lines and the fact that you can utilise them using Renfes “Combinado Cercanias” scheme if you are travelling outwith a interrail pass.

Given that I already hold a Tarjeta Dorada card, and can benefit from the discounts it provides, I have to make the decision as to whether using a system where there seems to be a plethora of messages informing me that seat reservations are required when seemingly they’re not.  Then struggling to find trains that I know exist on the planner.

Clearly I need to do some homework on route finding given that I intend flying into Seville and leaving from Santander over 3 weeks later.

Obviously, it isn’t purely a matter of cost.  Other factors do come in to consideration and I need to make my mind up.
