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Hello, I want to book a traintrip from Lisbon to Bilbao (via Lisbon - Madrid, Madrid - Bilbao). All these trains are in the Rail Map, but it seems impossible to book it. How does it come and how can I fix this? 

For Lisbon to Madrid, check Seat61 for the route.

Timetables (also Madrid - Bilbao) can be found on Although the summer timetables are not complete yet.

Booking reservations for Spanish domestic trains is not possible online. You can buy reservations:

  • at a Spanish ticket office
  • possibly at Lisboa Santa Apólonia (they're reported to have a Spanish system there)
  • at a Deutsche Bahn ticket office
  • via Deutsche Bahn by phone (+49 30 2970). Collect at DB ticket machine or receive via post.
  • via RENFE by phone, with limitations, see this page (scroll down to Spain).

denk er eens serieus over na of je die moeite wel wil doen-nachtje MAD is ook vereist. Er zijn vast wel directe BUSsen-overnacht, indien niet direct BIlb dan toch wel Donostia=short bus or train (EuskoTren, cannot use passday for this), die bussen gaa door naar de FRancia.

The other way is the touristy route via Galicia=north of PT: to Porto-CELTA to Vigo, new AVE/Alvia to Leon (maybe even use the very slow, very scenic 1/day FEVE to Bilb)-or change Valladolid/Medina  or nearby. for Bilb Better if you also plan to make some visits along this route

As I was informed in Lisbon, the Spanish RENFE trains have not been operating since the beginning of the pandemic. They told me that they hope that the Lisbon - Madrid and Lisbon - Hendaye trains will resume shortly.

As I was informed in Lisbon, the Spanish RENFE trains have not been operating since the beginning of the pandemic. They told me that they hope that the Lisbon - Madrid and Lisbon - Hendaye trains will resume shortly.

I'm afraid "shortly” will still last a few years.
