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What to do if you miss your last train on Inbound/Outbound day? [DE/EN]

  • October 15, 2022
  • 3 replies

  • Right on track
  • 7 replies




I am about to finish my 10-day interrail trip and it has been a pleasure so far. Only thing that was annoying was the I/O day rule so far. Now my question is that if I decide to take a night train (after having taken another train before in my home country so that the I/O day has activated already) and my train that I have taken before is delayed so that I cant reach said Night train (seating, no bed), would I be allowed to take the next train as it isnt on the inbound/outbound day anymore (but 1am/2am on the next day aka next train possible on exactly the same route) because I wouldnt be responsible for the delay?

thanks in advance!



Ich bin kurz davor meinen 10-tägigen Interrail Trip zu beenden und würde gerne erfahren ob ich, wenn ich einen Nachtzug an meinen wohnsitzlandstagen nehme,  vorrausgesetzt ich hätte vorher schon am selben tag einen zug genutzt, sodass dieser Wohnsitzland-Tag schon aktiviert ist, würde ich bei einer Verspätung des vorhergehenden Zuges, der mich durch die Verspätung nicht den Nachtzug (Sitzplatz) erreichen lässt, den nachfolgenden Zug nutzen darf (am folgetag 1-2 uhr morgens, also direkt nächster zug selbe route), da ich zwar nicht an der Verspätung schuldig bin aber gleichzeitig meinen I/O tag ja theoretisch aufgebraucht habe.

danke im vorraus!

Best answer by Yorkie

I do believe you are right. The midnight rule relates to the final day of your pass, not your last travel day. Unless of course your last travel day is the very last day of your pass.

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  • Full steam ahead
  • 3893 replies
  • October 15, 2022

The theory says that the railway that caused the delay is also the one to cover you/write a kind of permission or whatever-to reach home.

The praxis is rather different per country-so much that you might rather avoid this.

NOte that the pass does end at 23.59 on the last day-it is not allowed to finish trip, even in same train, till after- though if you aim for such a train and the delay makes it arr at f.e. 0.11 being 20 mins late noone will really make probs about that.

  • Author
  • Right on track
  • 7 replies
  • October 15, 2022
mcadv wrote:

The theory says that the railway that caused the delay is also the one to cover you/write a kind of permission or whatever-to reach home.

The praxis is rather different per country-so much that you might rather avoid this.

NOte that the pass does end at 23.59 on the last day-it is not allowed to finish trip, even in same train, till after- though if you aim for such a train and the delay makes it arr at f.e. 0.11 being 20 mins late noone will really make probs about that.

i have Traveldays left and the pass itself doesnt end at that day, only my I/O day would finish, so taking a train and taking a nighttrain later on does work on the pass-app at least and as I understand that would work, I cant really avoid it because the night train is the best connection and I do try to reach it early but I just wanted to check for solutions in case that wouldnt work out

  • Full steam ahead
  • 1372 replies
  • Answer
  • October 15, 2022

I do believe you are right. The midnight rule relates to the final day of your pass, not your last travel day. Unless of course your last travel day is the very last day of your pass.
