Are corona tests being checked at the borders on trains, currently?


Are corona tests being checked at the borders on trains, currently?

32 replies

Userlevel 7
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depends from Border to Border :) Italy is quite strict :/ delays on the Eurocities Switzerland - Italy :/

Usually even the Hotels and Hostels ask for a test or vaccination proof before check in :/


I am going to buy a 3 months global mobile pass tomorrow, so I would like to hear about people who are doing the global right now.


Is testing free in most EU countries?

I am in Denmark now and here is free.


Are anyone doing the global at the moment?

Userlevel 7
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In Germany and Austria testing is free (In germany they discuss to stop the free tests as there are yet enough Vaccine aviable  ) Milan i got a free test at the station.

In other countries my Company had to pay for it :/


Thanks for the help information.

Do you know if I need translated tests when I cross borders?

Because the previous country's test will be in a different language.

In Denmark we just show a website with the results.

They are not going to understand that in Germany.




I hope I will show my tourist ticket and say " I am in transit. " and they will leave me alone, hopefully? 

What do you think?

Userlevel 7
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I hope I will show my tourist ticket and say " I am in transit. " and they will leave me alone, hopefully? 

What do you think?

Aren’t you vaccinated? 

If you say “I am in transit” they might ask for documents showing that you are in transit…. 
In regional cross border trains there is mostly no control. In long-distance cross border trains controls are much more frequent.


Thanks for the information. I am not yet vaccinated but many countries only accept only local proof of vaccines, so that wouldn't help much. 

But I think it's risky to catch Covid on trains, so I'll be traveling in low traffic hours, or cancel the trip.

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for the information. I am not yet vaccinated but many countries only accept only local proof of vaccines, so that wouldn't help much. 

But I think it's risky to catch Covid on trains, so I'll be traveling in low traffic hours, or cancel the trip.

No, EU certificates are accepted in the EU everywhere since 1st July…

I wouldn’t be afraid of catching Covid on trains… people wear masks in most countries and if you don’t have intense contact with one of the passengers without mask, it is highly unlikely I think. It is not a nightclub :D


Ah okay, indeed it was England that I checked for. That's not the EU.

I was scheduled for vaccines but I forgot to show up  🙂, I'll try to get vaccinated on the road.

But it seems like only resident foreigners are eligible for local vaccines, like my case in Denmark.


Userlevel 7
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Ah okay, indeed it was England that I checked for. That's not the EU.

I was scheduled for vaccines but I forgot to show :), I'll try to get vaccinated on the road.

But it seems like only resident foreigners are eligible for local vaccines, like my case in Denmark.


Yeah, probably you should get vaccinated first and then return for the second dose.

I was travelling on two 3 months global passes since September 2020 and had no problems even without vaccine. But I usually went just to one country for a week or several weeks and then went home as transit… so I needed to test only once. 
But if you make a real Interrail trip and are not vaccinated it is not so much fun right now. In Italy you can get a test for free, in Austria and Germany as well, but about other countries I don’t know… and that might sum up depending on your route and also depending on what kind of test is accepted (antigen or only PCR?) you might have some unwanted stress waiting for the result (e.g. my brother was waiting 57 hours for PCR result...).


I think I'll risk the trip... There's no bigger chance to catch it if I travel than if I don't.

I'm camping anyways.

Do you know if tests are free in most EU cities?

Do you know anyone who did real Global Pass recently or doing now?

What about quarantines?

Nobody can check for quaranteens I guess.

I'll just cross the borders with regional trains.

Just need a test at borders, that's it. It should be okay.

Userlevel 7
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There are still some qurantines active (each country have their own rules) for example if you come from Netherlands to Germany you have to be a vaccinated or have to qurantine for 10days (can be short cuted by a negative test on day 5)

Even on regional trains they sometimes control and to say iam on transit you need a proof (Hotel, Flight or train booking)

In case of Austria they check really if you are in qurantine :/ Every day a officer checked if i am in my Hotel (this was back in January this year)

I am traveling alot actual between Netherlands , Germany , Austria , Czech Republic, Switzerland and North Italy :)

Italy is very strict they even confirmed my Hotel booking by phoneing them (I am a transport worker and usally have a easier border process but Italy is quite strict :D )

Switzerland asked me before my vacciantion to have atleast 2-3 Tests per week (one of them a PCR one) as i traveled in their eyes from Riskarea (Italy) to another one Czech republic / Netherlands

It´s chaotic and change daily :/ but since my vaccination + 15days everyhing is a bit easier :)

In Germany there are open vaccinations at a IKEA Parking lot or at a stadium for everyone nothing needed besides a Passport or ID Card (doesn´t matter where you are from)


In worst case I hitchhike across borders. Thanks for the info.


But it's no need cause I will get tested in the cities, just the quarantine is an issue. I am wild camping so no hotels. If only Austrians check it's okay. I don't go to Austria.

In fact I think 3 months is enough only for a few countries.


Userlevel 5
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But it's no need cause I will get tested in the cities, just the quarantine is an issue. I am wild camping so no hotels. If only Austrians check it's okay. I don't go to Austria.

In fact I think 3 months is enough only for a few countries.


All can check. And many countries have draconian fines for breaking their stupid rules. I wouldnt risk it, but its your life, your money, your choice.


I think it’s pretty much impossible to find someone the next day in an other city to check if the person is in quarantene once the person left with the train, because you can declare anything and then do whatever you want and go wherever you want once you are in the country. If you don’t check in to Hotels or Hostels, they will not know where are you.

And a 3 months Global Pass ticket is a proof that you are transiting.

Hopefully in 1 month most people will be vaccinated and they will not take it so seriously.

With a test borders can be crossed and after that noone fill find you, hopefully.

You don’t have an obligation to go where you said you are going.

You have the right to change your plans.






Userlevel 7
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a Global pass is no proof of transit 🙂 had a similar discuss already with Police officers

A proof of transit is a booking in a foreign country and a proof you are eligable to enter the country where you are heading :/

And the fines are quite high 🙂 At the border if they control and you have to qurantine they will ask you where you will stay for the quarantine. If you wont be there  they will fine you. (Note that fines can be foreclosed in almost all European Union countries) Means you are maybe fine during your trip but when you leave the EU or reenter for a new trip they can still charge you :)

It´s easier to Vaccine or test your self 😉 and maybe adopt the route according your vaccination or test status and the currently restrictions :)


Of course, I’ll do the tests. I’ll only go to cities, there is testing available.

But I will not stay in quarantene for sure.

I hope I will get away with it.

I will say I am camping for quarantene, I’ll show my camping gear.

Thats’ perfect.



If you sleep on the trains, no proof of Hotel necessary.

I’ll say I’ll sleep on the trains.


It’s perfectly legal to lay back and sleep on a train.

Userlevel 7
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Germany applies new rules for Denmark from this week

Denmark is set as risk area
means you have to fill online a declaration of entry :)  and need a test already loaded in the online declaration.


Yes but declarations and tests possible to make on the road, right? In advance.

I do in Denmark where I start, and then I do the declaration and test in every country.

No big deal.


It seems that not many people are doing the global passes right now?

Userlevel 7
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There are quite a lot on the Road :D especially on the popular Routes

yeah you can make the tests on the road :)

but as i said there are still some exceptions like Netherlands to Germany where you have to qurantine even if testet for 10days that can be shortcuted by a test on day 5 :) Vaccinated people can travel without any restrictions :)

And the goverments make it actual a bit stricter due the spread of the Delta Kind. as said keep an eye on the restrictions and you can go :)

