I write because I start to fill nervous about the way I subscribed our global passes and how I reserved all trains for a long trip that should take place from 12 up until the 24th April (13 days). I would therefore be really thankful if any of you could tell me whether I did things correctly, or not. In case it is important... all steps were carried out from a PC. My mobile phone is 15 years old, too slow and does not work correctly with some applications. The phone just served for validation of bank security codes, and things like that.
Here below, how I proceeded:
First, I did a simulation on the Interrail website, which suggested that the pass I needed was a 7 days one. I subscribed (paid) one for me and my daughter (17 years old). However, 2 days later my wife decided herself up. I therefore got a second “independent” pass (of same kind).
I then proceeded with reservations. I had many problems because I had to login once and once again to be able to validate each reservation, which I did for the three of us together. The main problem was that, since I had to repeat the process for many portions (Toulouse to Paris, Paris to Frankfurt, Frankfurt to Hamburg, Hamburg to Koebenhavn, Malmo to Stockholm and Stockholm to Narvik, and similarly for all the way back to Toulouse), each time I finished and I wanted to validate the reservations, some of them were already “cancelled” due to too long delays. In the end, I had to proceed by blocks/portions, paying each time separately.
My first doubt concern the fact that I reserved for the three of us together. I read somewhere that I should have booked the tickets for EACH pass separately. If wrong, what should I do to correct the problem? Shall I cancel everything up and start again? Will I loose money?
The second doubt is with regard to the information that is written on our global passes. There, I read “Activate by date: 8 Feb 2026” for mine/my daugther’s, or “by 10 Feb 2026” for the one of my wife. I suppose I understood wrong and I wrote the date when I was subscribing the pass. I now start to believe that I mistook, that such date is intended to be the first trip day? Am I wrong? If I mistook, is there any way to correct that? Shall I cancel the passes too?
Third doubt: supposing that I did properly for the first two doubts, or that we got to solve the problem. I wonder about the way I booked all connections between trains as they were proposed in the interrail website. I tried to avoid too short connections, but some of them were still in the order of 30 or 40 minutes… I wonder now, what would happen if we miss a connection due to previous train delays? Would we have right to take the next train in that line, even when not reserved? What to do in such situation, which might be catastrophic in our case, considering that it might impact several connections that follow each other… ?
At this level, a good point might be that the only portion with compulsory reservation was the trip Paris-Frankfurt, which is the most secured one (we’ll be in Paris 6 hours before depart), all others did not ask for reservation (although I did, anyway).
I apologize for the really long explanation.
Thanks a lot for any help/advice, in advance,
Best regards