
Can't Add Traveler to Trip

  • 4 June 2022
  • 3 replies

Help. I’m trying to add my wife and myself as travelers to a trip. I run into two problems when inputting the paper pass details.

  1. Eurail B.V. is not listed on the Issuer drop down list. I selected DISCOVEREU TRAVEL PASS (CIV 9901)
  2.  Pass Cover Number returns an error. PASS COVER NUMBER DOESN’T LOOK RIGHT

I’m looking to make reservations but can’t if I can’t add travelers.


Any help will be appreciated.







Best answer by rvdborgt 4 June 2022, 05:40

View original

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

The pass cover number should be an E followed by 8 digits.

Yes. I have the right number it begins with and E followed by 8 digits and located on the back of the pass cover just above the QR code. Any ideas on how to add my travelers?



Userlevel 7
Badge +9

If that number doesn't work, then please contact customer service.

You can still book reservations elsewhere though. Se e.g. this list or this thread.
