I’m trying to add a seat reservation for Sunday Sept 18th, but after adding them to the cart the date changes in the cart to Monday Sept 19th. Is there a bug in the system? I also tried adding other dates and they are also shifted by 1 calendar date.
Best answer by Yorkie
One solution/work around that has been reported is to temporarily reset your device to CE(S)T which is normally GMT + 1 or BST (British Summer Time) +1. That should then give you the reservation with the correct date/Time.
That is a bug in the reservation module. There are also alternative reservation methods (often cheaper), depending on the trains you want to book, see:
One solution/work around that has been reported is to temporarily reset your device to CE(S)T which is normally GMT + 1 or BST (British Summer Time) +1. That should then give you the reservation with the correct date/Time.
Thanks for your reply! So, in this case -- do you think it’s ok to make that booking? My ticket should still be for the original date (Sept 18th)?
Absolutely not, if a booking states 19th then it is for the 19th and will not be valid on any other date.
Apologies, I had meant to put in the advice of temporarily changing your device to the correct European timezone, or using alternative booking options (which are often better than eurail anyway) but forgot to update the post.
Additional warning: this may also apply once you start (too early) to activate pass=same issue. This may mean you loose a travelday. From OZzies from down yundah (Australia, also NZ=kiwi) it can work the other way-day earlier.