Does anyone know if the French TGV E10 ‘cheap’ reservations automatically put you into the lower deck, keeping the upper deck (and nice views 🙂 ) for full-fare passengers (and maybe E20 Interrail reservations) ? Is there any way to specify which seats you want? Or can you just cancel a reservation before paying, and try again and see if it gives you an upper deck seat? Thanks!
France reservations - TGV *upper deck*
Best answer by mcadv
No, AFAIK its purely random- (well, with the usual rules that nearly all railways use-to prevent only having sold all window seats and non @ aisle)-I think IF you are so determined at that you have to go in person to a FR counter. And by far not all TGV are DoSto=double deck (thats the german abbreviation)
Plenty of DoSto also in DE=Germany even on quite scenic routes and Swiss, eve locals without any chance to REServe
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