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Huge change in plans

Bill Landrum
Keeps calm and carries on

Due to Covid, we are contemplating a huge change in travel plans.  We were going to have a train intensive trip to Northern and Eastern Europe--due to difficulties with entry to Hungary and testing to enter the Czech Republic, we are going to, instead, spend 3 weeks in Italy with a lot fewer train days.

I recently purchased 6 tickets for the family with the Plus feature.  I need to replace the 6 passes with a value of about $4400, with 6 passes with a total value around $3000.

Since it is a large cost downgrade, is it better to cancel and re-buy or try to exchange?  Our travel will start in about 18 days from today.



2 replies

  • Right on track
  • 8 replies
  • August 20, 2021

There is absolutely no restriction in Hungary.
I entered the country few days ago with the US passport and during the highest alert last year as well.

The land controls do not exist - and if they do, here is the paperwork to download:

You should download it, sign it, write there that adults in your group doing some computer business.
For “Tax Identification Number” use your SSN, the border police does not care less.
If you feel unsure, let your HR sign it and use the tax ID of the company.
Do NOT overcomplicate, just make sure all of you are vaccinated and - just in case - have a PCR test if you start your trip in Hungary.

BTW: I also have a Hungarian passport and tested “our” border guards extensively.
Few days ago entered Hungary from Croatia with my car having US license plate.
No question was asked, not even above paperwork or vaccination. I have a French vaccination certificate… never had to show it!

The best way is if you download that paperwork, fill it out and call the Hungarian consulate.
Just tell them that you have the Hungarian “entry for business or economic purpose in pursuance of title 5/A. of Government Decree No. 408 of 2020 (VIII. 30.)” filled and verify, that there won’t be any problem.

Airports are somewhat more risky than the land borders though. My kid recently came from Göteborg by airplane. He had the same paperwork. The first three passengers of the airplane were asked some COVID-related questions, than the border guards disappeared.
(Göteborg is in Sweden, there are Schengen-rules). My kid wasn’t among the first, he was even disappointed that he had to ask his internship place(!) to fill out this paperwork.

Don’t be scared, this is a complete farce.

  • Retired Eurail Moderator
  • 31 replies
  • August 21, 2021

Hi Bill,

If your original order includes Plus for all 6 Passes, then there is no need to go with an exchange, you can just refund it entirely (Plus fees excluded), and place a new one separately!
