I’m planning my trip around Europe and I plan to leave my home country soon. The only thing is that I can’t seem to find an answer to a couple of my questions. I hope you guys can help me!
If I have 3 connecting trains on my trip from Aarhus (DK) - Warszawa (PL), (Aarhus - Hamburg, Hamburg - Berlin, Berlin - Warszawa) the same day, will they count as 1 travel day?
And how do I write it down in my pass? (I would love to see an example) Do I write every single journey and connecting train or just Aarhus - Warszawa?
Do you prefer the mobile pass or the paper pass? (I haven’t bought one yet, but I need to decide soon)
How does it work with one in- and outbound day for your home country? Lets say I buy a 7 day 1 month pass - does the two days I travel to and from home count as 2 out of the 7 days?
Thank you Tips and tricks are very welcome!