Since I couldn't find the information I was looking for anywhere, I'll try here. I just booked a seat reservation for some trains. First I have a question regarding this reservation: Do I really have to bring the reservation as a printout? I mean, are they serious??? Because I specificially chose the e-Ticket and now there is standing that I have to print it out? I mean what the ***?!
Second, I had to select a Trip in the booking process for the reservation (on the website). Since there was only one to select I just chose that one, but now I cant find a trip with this name in the rail planner app. Does that even matter? Does the trip have to be the same? I dont even know if my account is connected to this App and if not how i can do that.
I'm really almost freaking out just because the app and all the stuff is so shitty organized and you can't see through it at all.
This is stressing me out, please help me.