Technical difficulties- check out 50% pass

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Is the uk website the same thing? I bought my ticket from there because I panicked and now I’m worried it’s a different thing or that I got scammed.. 

Is the uk website the same thing? I bought my ticket from there because I panicked and now I’m worried it’s a different thing or that I got scammed.. 

Anyway they have extended the sale for 1 day on the UK website if anyone is brave enough to buy from there tomorrow :D 

Same problem here

Same problem here...

Is the uk website the same thing? I bought my ticket from there because I panicked and now I’m worried it’s a different thing or that I got scammed.. 

i bought my Ticket there as well. Got the confirmation with the pass number, pasted it in the Rail Planner App and it worked…so i guess it‘s legit. Haven‘t activated it complety though as i‘m planning to travel later this year :D

A price so good it can’t be true! Great marketing ploy, you have to admit it.

Userlevel 1

Is the uk website the same thing? I bought my ticket from there because I panicked and now I’m worried it’s a different thing or that I got scammed.. 

no, I don’t think we got scammed. I could add the pass code to the Interrail app, so I guess they are legit. :)

Is the uk website the same thing? I bought my ticket from there because I panicked and now I’m worried it’s a different thing or that I got scammed.. 

i bought my Ticket there as well. Got the confirmation with the pass number, pasted it in the Rail Planner App and it worked…so i guess it‘s legit. Haven‘t activated it complet though as i‘m planning to travel later this year :D

I didn’t try to put it in the Rail Planner yet because I was afraid it’s gonna activate right away or smth and I’m also planning to travel later this year. So there is another step for the activating? I couldn’t find anywhere if it also works the next 11 months or not.. 

Userlevel 1

Is the uk website the same thing? I bought my ticket from there because I panicked and now I’m worried it’s a different thing or that I got scammed.. 

i bought my Ticket there as well. Got the confirmation with the pass number, pasted it in the Rail Planner App and it worked…so i guess it‘s legit. Haven‘t activated it complet though as i‘m planning to travel later this year :D

I didn’t try to put it in the Rail Planner yet because I was afraid it’s gonna activate right away or smth and I’m also planning to travel later this year. So there is another step for the activating? I couldn’t find anywhere if it also works the next 11 months or not.. 

no you can add it. activate later

I can’t proceed to checkout regarding buying the 50% continuous pass and was waiting for hours to complete the checkout multiple times. Customer support is not accessible, and it’s very disappointing experience overall

Same here :((

Is the uk website the same thing? I bought my ticket from there because I panicked and now I’m worried it’s a different thing or that I got scammed.. 

i bought my Ticket there as well. Got the confirmation with the pass number, pasted it in the Rail Planner App and it worked…so i guess it‘s legit. Haven‘t activated it complet though as i‘m planning to travel later this year :D

I didn’t try to put it in the Rail Planner yet because I was afraid it’s gonna activate right away or smth and I’m also planning to travel later this year. So there is another step for the activating? I couldn’t find anywhere if it also works the next 11 months or not.. 

no you can add it. activate later

Ahh thanks! I did it and now I can see I need to activate it by 10 Apr 2023

Is the uk website the same thing? I bought my ticket from there because I panicked and now I’m worried it’s a different thing or that I got scammed.. 

i bought my Ticket there as well. Got the confirmation with the pass number, pasted it in the Rail Planner App and it worked…so i guess it‘s legit. Haven‘t activated it complet though as i‘m planning to travel later this year :D

I didn’t try to put it in the Rail Planner yet because I was afraid it’s gonna activate right away or smth and I’m also planning to travel later this year. So there is another step for the activating? I couldn’t find anywhere if it also works the next 11 months or not.. 

first you type in you pass number, then you create a trip. The last part is putting in your id or passport number. If you do the last step it gets activated so i just did the first two steps. They have a tutorial on the interrail website where they describe the process ( ) it‘s the german version though..english one doesn‘t seem to load right know…

Sadly that website doesn’t work

I really hope they extend the sale time - here it expires in 1h


I had everything set up already and then my basket got got emptied and i couldnt follow through with my order :(


Having the same problem over here. I doubt that this will be fixed before the deadline of the promotion ends but hopefully this can be resolved by extending the deadline by a day.  

Our unintentional DDoS attack seems to be very effective. I also can’t buy a pass.

Will anyone from the Interrail community respond? I called the German Railway, they do not feel responsible. I tried to buy via UK website, but failed (“you did not fill out all fields”… but I filled out all many times by many means. This is all backfiring now: What I thought to be a positive sign, even thought about first railway holidays since many decades, now turns to be a disaster. What a pity...

Same here… can’t proceed to checkout :((

I don´t have access to the site at all now. I get a forbidden http error 403 notification. Interrail please fix this or extend the time 

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Will anyone from the Interrail community respond? I called the German Railway, they do not feel responsible. I tried to buy via UK website, but failed (“you did not fill out all fields”… but I filled out all many times by many means. This is all backfiring now: What I thought to be a positive sign, even thought about first railway holidays since many decades, now turns to be a disaster. What a pity...

The Community Supervisors are only online due standard office hours Monday to Friday. Customer Service is a own department and can be reached via Facebook,Twitter or this form

You wont get an answer today as they got a huge wave of Questions via all channels :/ and they have to priotise the Questions.

Userlevel 1

why dont they just restart the server??

Will anyone from the Interrail community respond? I called the German Railway, they do not feel responsible. I tried to buy via UK website, but failed (“you did not fill out all fields”… but I filled out all many times by many means. This is all backfiring now: What I thought to be a positive sign, even thought about first railway holidays since many decades, now turns to be a disaster. What a pity...

UK website said the same to me until I clicked some black button (it had no text, probably due bugging) under the postal code box and wrote my address manually. 

why dont they just restart the server??

That probably wouldn’t help as long as the server can’t serve the number of clients that what to talk to it.

Will anyone from the Interrail community respond? I called the German Railway, they do not feel responsible. I tried to buy via UK website, but failed (“you did not fill out all fields”… but I filled out all many times by many means. This is all backfiring now: What I thought to be a positive sign, even thought about first railway holidays since many decades, now turns to be a disaster. What a pity...

UK website said the same to me until I clicked some black button (it had no text, probably due bugging) under the postal code box and wrote my address manually. 

In my case, they were not even asking for an address, just a house number. Makes no sense. Addresses also did not work.. And they wanted a starting date; without this they would not let me buy. I gave one, but still failed, see above.
