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Alternativa de viagem gratuita

Kelley Chistian
Keeps calm and carries on

Olá, pessoal!

Poderiam me ajudar a fazer um roteiro com menor custo possível? Todas as rotas que clico esta sujeitos a "reserva" e com valores altos.






Best answer by thibcabe

Those are not easy journeys : it’s a long distance so you’ll have to use high-speed trains with mandatory reservations. I’m sure I’ve written something in your other thread.

What are your travel dates ?

Paris - Valencia :

  • TGV Paris Gare de Lyon - Barcelona-Sants 09:42 - 16:31 35€ per person (
  • EM Barcelona-Sants - Valencia Joaquin Sorolla 18:15 - 21:07 12€ (

Possible to save 15-25€ per person by taking the early TGV to Perpignan (06:38) and then reservation-free regional trains via Portbou to Barcelona. 3h longer though : 06:38 - 21:07.

Valencia - Porto :

  • AVE Valencia Joaquin Sorolla - Madrid-Chamartin 08:45 - 10:38 12€ (
  • ARC Madrid-Chamartin - Vigo-Urzaiz 11:20 - 15:38 → 10€, not available on so go to any train station when you arrive in Spain
  • little 15 min walk + break
  • Vigo-Guixar - Porto 19:56 - 21:18 (1h time difference) → free seat reservation at counters
View original

  • Full steam ahead
  • February 9, 2024

Those are not easy journeys : it’s a long distance so you’ll have to use high-speed trains with mandatory reservations. I’m sure I’ve written something in your other thread.

What are your travel dates ?

Paris - Valencia :

  • TGV Paris Gare de Lyon - Barcelona-Sants 09:42 - 16:31 35€ per person (
  • EM Barcelona-Sants - Valencia Joaquin Sorolla 18:15 - 21:07 12€ (

Possible to save 15-25€ per person by taking the early TGV to Perpignan (06:38) and then reservation-free regional trains via Portbou to Barcelona. 3h longer though : 06:38 - 21:07.

Valencia - Porto :

  • AVE Valencia Joaquin Sorolla - Madrid-Chamartin 08:45 - 10:38 12€ (
  • ARC Madrid-Chamartin - Vigo-Urzaiz 11:20 - 15:38 → 10€, not available on so go to any train station when you arrive in Spain
  • little 15 min walk + break
  • Vigo-Guixar - Porto 19:56 - 21:18 (1h time difference) → free seat reservation at counters

Kelley Chistian
Keeps calm and carries on

Dei uma mudada no percurso da volta.

O anterior era de Roma para Valencia…

Agora estarei em Paris.

Desculpa as perguntas…

E ...como sempre obrigada por responder 

  • Full steam ahead
  • February 9, 2024

Yes no worries. Let me know if you have questions.

Kelley Chistian
Keeps calm and carries on

Esta perfeito.

Agradecida demais

Kelley Chistian
Keeps calm and carries on

@thibcabe bom dia!

Consegue me passar um roteiro econômico de Paris para Porto, Portugal?

  • Full steam ahead
  • February 12, 2024

Sure, any option will require a night en route.

Cheapest route would be via San Sebastian and the Atlantic. DAY 1 :

- any TGV Paris-Montparnasse - Hendaye 10-20€

- Euskotren Hendaye - San Sebastian -> every 30 min : not included in Eurail but tickets are only 3-4€, buy them at the station

DAY 2 :

- IC San Sebastian - Madrid-Chamartin 05:05 - 09:53

- ARC Madrid-Chamartin - Vigo-Urzaiz 11:20 - 15:38

- little walk + break as shown above

- Vigo-Guixar - Porto 19:56 - 21:18

Reservations for the 2 Spanish trains are only available at Spanish ticket counters, get them in San Sebastian when you arrive.

Option 2 would be :

Direct TGV to Barcelona (35€) + AVE to Madrid (10€). Night there.

Option 3 would be :

- TGV Paris Gare de Lyon - Perpignan 06:38 - 12:00 10-20€

- TER Perpignan - Portbou 12:56 - 13:46

- R Portbou - Barcelona-Sants 14:35 - 17:10

- AVE Barcelona-Sants - Madrid-Atocha 18:25 - 20:55 10€

DAY 2 is the same as option 1 or 2.

It could work too : longer day 1 but shorter day 2.

Kelley Chistian
Keeps calm and carries on

@thibcabe eu de novo ;)

O trecho mais em conta de 

Barcelona para Porto?


Sairemos dia 14/02 bem cedo para fazer esse percurso.


Se tiver valores eu agradeço. Aqui no estão com preços exorbitantes.

  • Railmaster
  • February 13, 2024
Kelley Chistian wrote:

Se tiver valores eu agradeço. Aqui no estão com preços exorbitantes.

Rail Europe can't book pass reservations for Spain. It should be possible at a ticket office in France though.

Kelley Chistian
Keeps calm and carries on


Então é por isso que nunca encontro as passagens do APP. Mas enfim.…

Já estou chegando em Barcelona e vou repousar por aqui hoje, 13/02 e quero seguir viagem para Porto , Portugal amanhã cedo.

O que recomenda mais em conta para reservar agora na estação Barcelona sants?


  • Full steam ahead
  • February 13, 2024

Here is the best itinerary for tomorrow :

  • AVE Barcelona-Sants - Madrid-Atocha 07:00 - 09:30 or 07:40 - 10:10
  • Cercanias (suburban train) Atocha - Chamartin → show your pass to someone at the gate
  • ARC Madrid-Chamartin - Vigo-Urzaiz 11:20 - 15:38
  • (break + evening train from Vigo-Guixar to Porto as shown above)

The first AVE has 4 seats not too far from each other while if you take the 07:40 AVE, you’ll be separated on multiple carriages. Book that train as soon as possible on (2€ fee pp) or at a counter.

The ARC is only available at a counter. Go to Barcelona-Sants or Franca, the latter is less busy.

EDIT : The above itinerary does not work as the ARC is sold out. Let me find something else.

  • Full steam ahead
  • February 13, 2024

I guess accommodation in Barcelona is already booked, right? Otherwise I’d suggest going to Madrid tonight and then take an early morning train to Vigo. Easiest option by far.

I’ve had a thorough look and it seems complicated. Most trains and even Flixbus are sold out, you should have planned sooner honestly. I’ll still do my best, the main problem is highlighted.

Option 1 :

  • AVE Barcelona-Sants - Madrid-Atocha any time in the morning, for example 09:00 - 11:45
  • Cercanias Atocha - Chamartin
  • ARC Madrid-Chamartin - Santiago de Compostela 14:30 - 17:46
  • MD Santiago de Compostela - Vigo-Urzaiz 18:32 - 19:25
  • quick walk to Vigo-Guixar for the 19:56 train to Porto

The issue here is that the MD is almost sold out until Pontevedra. Maybe staff can issue you folding seats/standing reservations for Santiago - Pontevedra (Vigo). Gently ask tonight at a counter and mention that it is pretty much the only way to reach your destination.

Option 2 (risky) :

  • same as above
  • ARC Madrid-Chamartin - Ourense 14:30 - 17:05
  • Bus Ourense - Pontevedra 17:15 - 18:58
  • quick walk across the street
  • MD Pontevedra - Vigo-Urzaiz 19:11 - 19:25 3€ ticket online (or 4€ reservation at a counter)
  • same as above

Option 3 (not sure if possible) :

  • AVE Barcelona-Sants - Madrid-Atocha
  • Cercanias Atocha - Chamartin
  • ARC Madrid-Chamartin - Vigo-Urzaiz 11:20 - 15:38
  • same as above

This was the initial plan, very easy and convenient. 2nd class is sold out on the ARC, however 1st class (Elige) has 14 seats left. Maybe (and I say maybe) staff at the counter can sell Elige upgrades for 2nd class Eurail passholders. Ask gently.

Otherwise it’s about 100€ per ticket but at least I’d guarantee you arrive in Porto tomorrow evening.

Option 4 :

I’ll update if I suddenly find something better.

At what time do you arrive in Barcelona ? Go as soon as possible to a counter at Sants or Franca station and explain your situation. Let us know how it goes please.

Side note : if only Spain/RENFE could get rid of mandatory reservations on regional trains…

  • Full steam ahead
  • February 13, 2024

This option works but it would be very long :

  • AVE Barcelona-Sants - Madrid-Atocha 07:00 - 09:30
  • ARC Madrid-Atocha - Puertollano 10:05 - 11:30
  • R Puertollano - Badajoz 12:00 - 16:05
  • R Badajoz - Entrocamento 19:41 - 21:33
  • IC Entrocamento - Porto 23:03 - 01:23

There are flights to Lisbon or Porto but expect to pay 200€ pp as it’s last minute.

Please let us know which option you chose in the end.

Kelley Chistian
Keeps calm and carries on


Vou fazer o que for possível para estar em algum dessas opções.

O problema é que este horário as companhias já não estão mais abertas na estação né?

  • Full steam ahead
  • February 13, 2024

Ticket counters are open until midnight at Sants or França station, don’t worry. Go tonight.

I prefer options 1 and 3. Do not hesitate if you have questions.

  • Railmaster
  • February 13, 2024
thibcabe wrote:

This was the initial plan, very easy and convenient. 2nd class is sold out on the ARC, however 1st class (Elige) has 14 seats left. Maybe (and I say maybe) staff at the counter can sell Elige upgrades for 2nd class Eurail passholders. Ask gently.

That should be possible. AFAIK booking Elige with a 2nd class pass works.

  • Full steam ahead
  • February 13, 2024

That would be perfect! Please let us know @Kelley Chistian 

Kelley Chistian
Keeps calm and carries on


Ontem estive na estação Sants e depois das 19hs já não estavam atendendo para marcação de passagem.

Estou neste momento aqui esperando na fila…


Nas pesquisas aqui vi sobre um trecho de MADRID - Mérito, contudo é regional.

- como saber o preço desses regionais? 

Meu passe tem desconto?

Tem outros trechos nessa rota que são regionais…

Madrid - Lisboa o destino final

Eu só preciso chegar em Portugal.

Kelley Chistian
Keeps calm and carries on

Madrid - merida 10h55 - 15h11

Dia 15/02


  • Full steam ahead
  • February 14, 2024

10:55 - 15:11 is sold out but you can take this connection with plenty of seats :

- ARC Madrid-Atocha - Puertollano 10:05 - 11:30

- R Puertollano - Badajoz 12:00 - 16:05

I hope this time it works! There are plenty of seats left so it should. Let us know. :)

Reservations are required on each train, I don't know the exact price but it won't be more than 10€. Staff will tell you.

Kelley Chistian
Keeps calm and carries on



Estamos no trem indo para Madrid.

Seguimos a sugestão 1 do Thibcabe.

Madrid - Vigo (upgrade 1 classe) valor de 10,55 euros pessoa.

Vigo - Porto


Muito obrigada a todos vocês!

Até uma próxima.

Kelley Chistian
Keeps calm and carries on

O total geral para essa viagem para 4 pessoas foi de 84,40 euros.

BARCELONA - MADRID 42,20 euros

MADRID - VIGO 42,20 euros

VIGO - PORTO - Gratuito (necessário apenas agendamento)


  • Full steam ahead
  • February 15, 2024

Glad it worked! Enjoy the fast journey across Spain now. :)

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.

PS : Don't forget to change stations in Madrid -> there are plenty of Cercanias trains between Atocha and Chamartin stations. Your pass is valid, speak to staff at the gates if needed.
