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  • Full steam ahead
  • 4878 replies
  • March 21, 2023

The journey via Nova Gorica doesn't work on because there's no reservations possible for any leg of the journey. Be aware that you'll travel in 2nd class that day, there are no 1st class on these regional trains.


For what device would you need an adaptor ? It seems a waste of money. As a Swiss my phone charger has got 2 pins, it is the standard European charger and works everywhere


37,60 CHF is per adult yes but I've found a cheaper and better option for you :

- 22,40 CHF Chur - Sargans return valid all day

- 12 CHF Liechtenstein buses all day ticket (includes buses 12/12E to/from Sargans)

- Junior card valid

You'll be able to buy these tickets 60 days in advance or at Chur train station :)

For travel inside Liechtenstein, use the great public transport system. Here is a map (all lines runs at least twice per hour) :

Let me know if it doesn't work. Left is north, right is south.

  • Railmaster
  • 10499 replies
  • March 21, 2023
viking wrote:

For which departure time did you see this? - i was looking at that one at 10 from Ljubljana via Nova Gorica on the 27th March. Just to be sure, whatever is said on the so still the passes cover the whole trip from Ljubljana to Verona, right?

Ok, i will buy the adaptor.

37,60 is per person?

I'm not sure where you see that price.

If you're using your pass on the 10:00 connection from Ljubljana, then it's €10 per person for the Frecciarossa reservation between Venezia Mestre and Verona. You can also avoid that by using a regional train:

There are buses leaving from Nova Gorica to Gorizia Centrale at 13:10, 13:22, 13:35, 13:47, 14:00 (travel time 10 min.).

If you can catch the bus at 13:10 or 13:22, then you can still catch the train at 13:43 from Gorizia Centrale and you'll be in Verona 1 hour earlier, also using regional trains only.

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4878 replies
  • March 21, 2023

@rvdborgt The 37,60 CHF was for the Liechtenstein day. The journey Ljubljana - Verona would indeed cost at most 10€ + bus or all reservation-free.

  • Author
  • Keeps calm and carries on
  • 96 replies
  • March 21, 2023

The map works fine, thank you again.

Rvdborgt wrote -No, but 2-pin thin plugs will still fit. For plugs with earth (ground), you'll need an adaptor.


  • Railmaster
  • 10499 replies
  • March 21, 2023
thibcabe wrote:

For what device would you need an adaptor ? It seems a waste of money. As a Swiss my phone charger has got 2 pins, it is the standard European charger and works everywhere

It just depends on what plugs you have on your devices. E.g. laptops can have a plug with earth and that won't fit in a Swiss power socket. Phones should indeed have a standard 2-pin Europlug that also fits in Swiss sockets.

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4878 replies
  • March 21, 2023

Yes a computer with earth indeed won't work.

I've also just learnt that Denmark uses Type K plugs along with Europlugs ! We learn new things every day :)

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  • Keeps calm and carries on
  • 96 replies
  • March 23, 2023

Hi again,

Does the pass cover metro in Munich and local trains around Munich?

  • Railmaster
  • 10499 replies
  • March 23, 2023
viking wrote:

Does the pass cover metro in Munich

Metro is never included.

viking wrote:

and local trains around Munich?

Yes, they're included.

  • Author
  • Keeps calm and carries on
  • 96 replies
  • March 29, 2023

Hi again,


do you know if the Swiss junior card covers hop on hop off busses in Geneva and Zurich and adventure pass in Liechtenstein?

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4878 replies
  • March 29, 2023

The Junior card covers for sure buses in Geneva, Zurich and Liechtenstein.

I did not know the Adventure Pass but it looks a complete waste of money to me (and according to travel forums, blogs).

Buy a bus day pass for 12 CHF, much better.

For what would you have used the Adventure Pass ?

  • Author
  • Keeps calm and carries on
  • 96 replies
  • March 29, 2023

Maybe I was not clear enough in my questions.

By hop on hop off I mean the extra 2 storey busses which drive throught the city`s sightseeing attractions, they are not part of public transport. So you reckon  they are free in Swiss for someone having Junior card?

The Adventure pass in Liechtenstein cost 25 chf and 17 chf for children older then 6 years. But there is no information if they are free if the kid is having the Swiss junior card, since the question.

The pass cover many thing, but for us the most important are

  • free public transport in Liechtenstein - 12 chf
  • free Malbun Mountain Railways up to Sareis - 12 chf
  • free Citytrain Vaduz - 11 chf
  • free “princely moments” in cinema - 10 ch   
  • so for me it is just pure math

  • Author
  • Keeps calm and carries on
  • 96 replies
  • March 29, 2023

I was looking at prices on for the connection between chur and Sargas and to my surprise the prices change very often. I chose the 13th of April after 8 am and for the same connection at 9.08 am the price was few minutes ago 4 chf , the 6.80 chf and now 7 chf. What does it mean? 

I could nor find any day price for return for 22.40 per person.

I got really confused. How does it work? or maybe it is just me doing something wrong?

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4878 replies
  • March 29, 2023

Ok now I understand better.

There were regular double-decker buses but they left service in 2022. 

Be aware that the city train only runs at 13:00 and 16:30 so it limits the time you could spend in Malbun

The Junior Card would cover regular buses in Liechtenstein but not the Sareis chairlift (8.40 CHF for children).

If you intend on doing all the things you mentioned, then buy the Adventure Pass + regular tickets Chur - Sargans.

So about those :

- the SBB app first lists supersaver tickets (tied to a specific connection) at half-price.

- you click on the "%" price and then choose return regular tickets.

Tickets can only be sold 60 days in advance and can't sell out.


Let me know if something isn't clear

  • Author
  • Keeps calm and carries on
  • 96 replies
  • March 29, 2023

Actually I found now the price of 22.40 chf , but only as a supplement as you can see

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4878 replies
  • March 29, 2023

On your screenshot it's a connection between Sargans and Chur one-way (+ bus in Chur), not what you're looking for

Here is what I have (SBB app) :

Do not buy a ticket for the child, he'll have the Junior Card.

EDIT : Here on


  • Author
  • Keeps calm and carries on
  • 96 replies
  • March 29, 2023

i remember about the junior pass, just curiosity to check.

hmmm… the same website, but different prices. maybe because of ip address in dk


  • Full steam ahead
  • 4878 replies
  • March 29, 2023

Nope same prices but you weren't buying the correct tickets. The prices will be the same, no matter your country.

Your screenshot :

- 3 x 11.20 CHF + 1 x 5.60 CHF (child) one-way Sargans-Chur

- the + 22.40 CHF is for buses within Chur (City-Ticket), as follows : 3 x 6 CHF + 1 x 4.40 CHF (child)

  • Author
  • Keeps calm and carries on
  • 96 replies
  • March 29, 2023

yeah, i know the screeb was fron sargans, but from chur was the same

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4878 replies
  • March 29, 2023

Yes it will be the same from Sargans or Chur because you chose one-way tickets + City-Ticket Chur (buses).

You need to click on the double-arrow (return) and deselect the City-Ticket

Anyway you've still got time until July :)

  • Author
  • Keeps calm and carries on
  • 96 replies
  • March 29, 2023

now i chose 1 person 13th of april and i got list like that, i know it is one way for partucular train


  • Author
  • Keeps calm and carries on
  • 96 replies
  • March 29, 2023

it is qiut interesting.

but nevermind.

let`s what happen in july

thank you again for your help.

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4878 replies
  • March 29, 2023

So to make things clear :

- the SBB website always shows half-fare prices until you change to full price later on

- the 5.60 CHF is one-way price with half-fare card

- 3.40 CHF or 3.60 CHF are saver tickets tied to a specific connection (half-fare)

To select normal one-way or return tickets you click on any red box. You then add the passengers, select single and return journey (double arrow).

Select Point-to-Point Ticket : valid 13.04 until 5am on 14.04. It'll give you a price of 67.20 CHF (3 x 22.40 CHF).

Everything should work. You're almost there. It should really be easy and straight-forward. I've highlighted the steps

  • Author
  • Keeps calm and carries on
  • 96 replies
  • March 29, 2023

yes,now I got it.

thanks again

  • Author
  • Keeps calm and carries on
  • 96 replies
  • April 3, 2023

Hi again,

I was just checking all the trains connections and sometimes there is like transfer time below 10 minutes.

Do the trains wait for each other? Or what`s happen if the train will be delayed?

Do we have some rights to compensations?

  • Full steam ahead
  • 4878 replies
  • April 3, 2023

International trains often have guaranteed connections. 

Trains in Switzerland often have tight connections but it's usual. They announce the platforms for connecting trains in advance. For example in Zurich main station, all IC trains arrive between xx:20 and xx:30 and then leave between xx:30 and xx:40. You have about 10 min to make your connection, it's a really clever system in my opinion. (Takt-Fahrplan)

A 2-min connection is entirely possible. Often connecting trains are on the same platform so no need to walk down, under the tracks, etc.

In case of 3-5 min delays, the connecting trains very often wait. In case of longer delays simply take the next train (30 min or 1h later in Switzerland)

In case of a bigger delay (1-2h) you should be entitled to compensations and the train company should pay for taxis or even nights in the worst of case. But always talk to staff first.


For other countries trains might be a bit more often delayed, esp. in Germany but you should always be able to take a later train.

Let me know if you've got a specific connection in mind.
