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Hello everyone,We have a question about our interrail pass. In the app it says there is no seat reservation required for our train form Hamburg (Germany) to Malmö (Sweden). However, on the website of DB (train in Germany) it says a seat reservation is required. Can we still go with this train but then sit somewhere on the ground / still available seats or is that not aloud and is a seat reservation absolutely necessary? Thanks in advance! Kind regards,Marc & Emma
I have some questions about the train between Hamburg Dammtor and Innsbruck at 20:21 the 23 of July.Why can’t I make a reservation on this train?when I search on this train in the reservation tool it doesn’t show it and I try to book it on DB it says that reservation is impossible and that they can’t sell the ticket online?
Hey, im going on my first interrail the August, and om looking for the seat reservations. I do feel like some reservationen go quite high in price compared to others? Ex. i have a reservation form Copenhagen til Hamburg for 4 Euros, and then an other from Brussel to Paris for 26 Euros? I think it runs up really fast, it that's the normal prices? or am I doing something wrong? :-) Hope someone have an answer.
I know a different question has been asked before. the rail planner app and interrail reservation site have the train listed as two seperate trains, propably changes at the border. bought the reservation/ticket for a sleeper via the czech railway website, which lists it as one train. sooo … does that count as one travel day or two since the “second” train starts at 4:55??
Hi,3 issues I hope someone has experience of and answers to:we’re looking to travel over night from Messina back to the UK on 21 September (2 of us) but the Interrail app (Global Pass) is only giving me options with about 10 or so changes! When I look on Trenitalia, there are Frecciarossa and Frecciargento sleepers with just 1 or 2 changes but no option to book/reserve with interrail (none that I can see - have looked at all the discount options but no Interrail). How do I book a sleeper from Messina to London (stopping in Milan or Turin for the night)? in sicily itself, what’s the best way of getting from Trapani to Siracusa stopping off in Piazza Armerina (or Enna) on the way? Looks like buses are the best option, but maybe you’ve found a good rail route? would a ferry - with or without interrail - from Milazzo/Messina back to mainland Italy and then a train back to London from Naples or Rome be better?Thanks for any suggestions,Julia
Hallo zusammen, vielleicht hatte jemand schon mal dieses Problem und kann mir helfen. Ich habe ein global Pass den ich aktivieren weil ich eigentlich losfahren möchte. Leider akzeptiert wird mir bei dem letzten Schritt (Eingabe der Reisepassnummer) jedes Mal mit geteilt „uups hier ist etwas schief gelaufen, bitte wenden Sie sich an den Kundenservice, wenn das Problem weiter besteht (was es tut) . Da meine Erfahrung mit der Antwortdauer des Kundenservices etwas unterirdisch ist stelle ich meine Frage hier im Forum. Habt ihr so etwas schon mal gehabt und wie konntet ihr das lösen. Beim letzten Mal hat es völlig problemlos bei mir klappt es ist also keinster Weise für mich nachzuvollziehen wieso es jetzt nicht klappt. Vielen Dank
Are there any advantages buying a 1st class pass regarding coming back to the UK on Eurostar? I’ve seen that using the standard pass only gives you access to certain tickets, which once they’re gone, they’re gone. How does that work with a 1st class pass?
Hello, I bought a global pass 5days for 1 month but I would like to change to 10 days for 2month. I already sent the customer service an email but i still don’t get any reply. So what can I do now?
Hi. I´ve bought a German Rail Pass. I know I can use it to travel to some cities outside Germany (like Verona , northern Italy)My question: if I want to get to Verona, is it mandatory to depart from Munich and travel via Innsbruck / Bolzano / Trento ?? Thank you.
Hi,I wanted to book ticket online from Barcelona to geneva(Swiss) which would be via france but I dont see any direct carrier website which takes interrail pass as option. Can someone suggest how can I book this online. On Interrail website it says Price unavailable.Also Do will we able to get any seat on no reservation regional trains of Spain. I am wondering if they are too overcrowded? Also how would we be able to board those as I heard we need to scan barcode for boarding gates to open and for regional trains we cant add them to cart or journey on Interrail pass. Please help. ThanksPriyanka
Hello guys,I was wondering if it was safe to get on a train from Munich to Vienna without having a seat reservation, as it is said on the Interrail website that no seat reservation was required for this route.Does someone know if the trains from Munich to Vienna are usually full/very crowded ? Thank you in advance for your help !
Hi! I am travveling with the nightjet from Utrecht te Basel and in Basel change to the train to Milan.We only have a 8 minute tranfser time to get our direct train. A later train will take 2 or 3 changes.. is 8 minutes madness? Do nightjet trains normally arrive on time or with short delay? Tx!
tempo fa ho creato un biglietto Rimini-Lecce, la tratta Bari-Lecce non è nel biglietto perchè è un treno regionale. Per poter salire su questo treno basta il Qr code che ho creato dall’app?
Hello, How can you see on the app on which platform your train leaves? I only see the time of departure.
I'm trying to make a seat reservation for the TGV 6035 from Paris Gare de Lyon to Montpellier Saint-Roch at 15:12-18:41 on 22/05. The Eurail website says that prices are unavailable for this train. If I try to book through instead, there are still some available seats. However, in order to book my seat, the website requests a Pass Cover number in the "Ticket Details" section. Since I have a mobile Eurail pass, I do not have a Pass Cover number and am unable to complete the reservation. How can I receive a Pass Cover Number? Is there an alternative way to book a seat on this train?
Hello fellow travelers, I have a one month Global Pass with 4 travel days. I'm currently in France and will go back from there to my home town of Vienna. The Global Pass was activated in Copenhagen because I bought it when I was there, don't know how much this circumstance plays any role though.My question regarding the outbound/inbound Journey: so far I have used two of my four travel days. For my departure back home I already have a reservation from Toulouse to Paris, from Paris to Strasbourg and from there to Vienna, all on the same day, Friday 29th of July.The night train from Strasbourg leaves before 12pm. If I use the rest of my two regular travel days now, can I use the inbound Journey day on the 29th? Since the trains are all on the same day and the night train leaves before 12pm I thought it should be fine but was hoping for the collective knowledge to be sure.Thank you very much.
Hello, we are actually in a train from Frankfurt to Berlin, without reservation needed but the controller asked us a ticket with a QR code to scan it. But we thought that the QR code was only for train with reservation ! So we went on the rail planner but we didn’t find any QR code, and the controler start to ask us to pay 100€, until I checked a second time on the rail planner and we finally find the QR code who appeared few minutes after. It’s that a bug of interrail ? Or do we have to print all the tickets with the QR code even with trains without reservation ?
Hello,I just bought reservations for a train going from Florence( Firenze SMN) going to Venezia Mestre, but found out I actually wanted the Venezia Santa Lucia station instead. Is there a way of correcting this online ? Or at the station in Florence before we get on the train?
Hey everyone, I know there’s been a lot of discussion going on about the seat reservation between France and Spain but I still struggle to make my reservation. As I am currently in Germany and planning to travel to Lyon and one day later (2.12.) from Lyon to Valencia, I cannot book this trip as indicated at a local spanish station. I tried via app - says ticket would arrive too late and cannot be booked therefore, also tried to send it to my hostel in Lyon and it would still not work. Then I tried at a local european station counter - they say they cannot book it either. I tried to call SNFC but the call is not going through. Has anybody another idea?Did anyone ever let a spanish friend buy a reservation locally and thenreceived it by email?How good are the chances to book the ticket the moment I arrive in the evening of 1st of december for the next day?I really hope someone can help. Thanks!Mirjam
Hi, I have a Global Pass. I am trying to make a reservation from Paris to Switzerland (either Paris to Geneva or Paris to Zurich) but I am getting an error message. I have tried different days and different times. The error is: Please try to find an alternative connection. The unavailable leg will be removed from your cart”. I have read the posts and I have seen a couple of similar errors. I have followed the links and called SNCF and also requested a pass cover number via the interrail website. SNCF were unable to help me today - they told me they are not accepting credit cards from abroad. I have requested a Pass Cover number and would like to make a booking via My question is where do i insert the Pass Cover on their website?Please help - i have been trying for hours to solve this issue. Thank you.
Hello, I am traveling in a few weeks and I have been looking at the trains for the route I am interested in. My question is this: for many trains the interail site says I am ready to board. Firstly, is it certain that when going there the train will not be fully reserved? How can I make sure that a seat will be available? Also, when ready to board the train, what do I need to show in order to board? Is the number of the pass enough or do I need to provide anything else? Any info will be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Hellothe app only gives you timetables but not seat availiabilities. Is there any way to check seat availiabilities before buying a Pass ?I wouldn’t like to be in the situation of purchasing a pass, and seeing after that, that the night trains I wanted to book are sold out ! If so I wouldn’t have any choice but to request a refund (including a 15% fee)thank you !
Hi,I am going inter-railing with my son this summer; my friend is also going inter-railing with her 2 children at the same time. We have decided to do the “first leg” together. I am trying to book Eurostar tickets, from London to Paris, for all 5 of us to ensure we have seats together. However, I seem to need to add my friends pass number and her children’s pass numbers to my trip on my mobile app in order to book seats for them. I’m aware that each pass is only allowed to be on one device, does anyone know if I add my friends pass number to ‘my trip' in order to reserve the seats does that then mean their passes are on my device? We are not travelling beyond Paris together so I don’t want to end up with them not being able to travel without my phone!Thanks
Hi there, I am trying to reserve a seat for the Eurostar between London St Pancras International and Brussels. No matter which date or service I select I am unable to do so, either on the Eurrail website and Eurostar. Can anybody help? Thank you!
I booked seat reservations on on my laptop and printed out the seat reservations. I have also downloaded the Rail Planner to which I attached my Mobil Eurail Pass. Do I have to attach the seat reservations to the app or can I just use my paper confirmation of seats? Thank you. P.S. I just realized that the start date states 24Aug, when I am actually traveling on 25Aug. How do I change that? Thanks again!